D-tox Nano Membrane

D-tox Nano Membrane

D-tox nano membrane contains charged particle of porous nano adsorbent and nano biocide impregnated activated carbon which is incorporated in to the simple sediment cartridges through nano coating methodology ( coating thickness ~100- 200 micron ). The filtration of water occurs through nanopores (size 3-4 nm) of the nano adsorbent particle (size ~20 nm). Positively charged nano adsorbent adsorbs the toxic inorganic contaminants of water like arsenic, chromium, lead, etc. which present in their negative oxyanion forms in water. Positively charged nano adsorbent and nano biocide kills or neutralizes microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, etc completely (>99.99%) through neutralization reaction.

Special Features of Our D-tox Nano Membrane

  • Nano Purifier work without electricity, hence it’s save electric bill charges.

  • The d-tox nano membrane enables purification and disinfection of contaminated drinking water.

  • D-tox membrane removes or decreases toxic contaminants like arsenic, chromium, lead etc. of water.

  • It retains all the essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium etc of water.

  • Because of adsorption based filtration, no wastage of water occurs from the purifier during water filtration.

  • The filtered water from the purifier “D-tox Neer” is free from harmful micro-organisms like bacteria , viruses etc

  • “D-tox Neer” can be stored even up to three months in ideal storage condition without susceptibility of re-contamination and bacterial growth.

  • 5-6 lit /hour filtration rate is most suitable range of filtration for getting completely hygienic water.

  • D-tox nano membrane of the purifier has passed the challenge test of killing of > 250 highly harmful bacteria. of highly harmful E.coli bacteria.

  • “Nano Purer” filtered water posse’s drinking water standard as prescribed by WHO and Indian standard of drinking water.

  • By increasing nano adsorbent content in the membrane, it can be used in the removal or decrease of toxic contaminants like fluoride, arsenic, chromium, lead etc if they present more than their permissible level in water.

  • Present purifier can use for the purification of supply water in urban areas and also ground water containing up to 1000 mg/l TDS.

  • Detachable D-tox nano membrane of the purifier is user friendly and maintenance free as user itself can install, clean and replace choked cartridges.

  • The replacement of D-tox nano membrane requires either after purification of 10000 liter water or two years whatever is earlier.

Our R&D collaborators

IBS Water Purifier LLP, Bhopal has linkage with followings for R&D and water testing of their developed nano materials and water quality performance evaluation.

  • XRD, FTIR, surface area analysis of developed nano adsorbent, biocides etc by CSIR-AMPRI ,Bhopal
  • Challenge test of E.coli bacteria of treated water from D-tox membrane by Ramkrishna Bajaj CFPB-Consumer Education and Testing Center, Santacruz, Mumbai (W) 400049
  • Bacteria and viruses testing of treated water from BioTech Testing Services Ghatkopar, Mumbai 400066
  • Drinking water quality analysis of treated and untreated water from D-tox Nano Purifier by District Laboratory,PHE Department, M.P. Government , Vidisha
Life of the D-tox membrane

The d-tox nano membrane has ability to kill more than 250 millions of harmful bacteria like E.coli. This membrane is capable to remove bacteria or viruses till last drop of water coming from the membrane. Because of its very high disinfection capability, the purified water is free from bacteria or viruses even if sewage water incidentally mix in leaked water supply pipe line. However, it is advised that user should replace it from new membrane after two years or 10000 liter of purification of drinking water to get better taste of water.